Call of duty black ops 2 pc steam key
Call of duty black ops 2 pc steam key

call of duty black ops 2 pc steam key

The game went away like hot cakes and turned over the incredible sum of 1 billion dollars after only 15 days. The success seems (unfortunately) to prove them right. The developers play it safe and present familiar fare. As with movies, video gamers should not expect too much from sequels. Goyer was hired for this, who among other things wrote the scripts for the last three Batman films. Past events are connected with current ones, and little by little the story unfolds, which unfortunately takes up speed only late and becomes exciting. Similar to the predecessor, the story plays in two time periods and jumps back and forth between past and current events. Only on closer inspection are there some new elements. From the first-person perspective, players are fighting against a myriad of opponents who are unfortunately not very clever.

call of duty black ops 2 pc steam key

And this man has a very personal bone to pick, especially with the USA. But both nations are too preoccupied with themselves and do not realize that a third actor is igniting a veritable purgatory to turn the Cold War into a hot war. While the past Cold War between East and West was still ideological, the future will be all about rare raw materials that have become indispensable for the production of high technology and modern weapons. In the year 2025, a Cold War has developed between the economic powers USA and China. Once again, the future does not bode well.

Call of duty black ops 2 pc steam key